Beyond Basketball: Portland Trail Blazers Most Memorable On Court Incidents

Rasheed Wallace, Portland Trail Blazers (Photo credit should read DAN LEVINE/AFP via Getty Images)
Rasheed Wallace, Portland Trail Blazers (Photo credit should read DAN LEVINE/AFP via Getty Images) /
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Maurice Lucas #20 of the Portland Trail Blazers
(Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images) /

1. Maurice “The Enforcer” Lucas Squares Up

Arguably the Blazers’ most important on court event to occur outside of actual gameplay. It was Game 2 of the 1977 NBA Finals. After a missed field goal by Portland guard Herm Gilliam, Philadelphia’s Darryl Dawkins sent Blazers’ forward Bob Gross to the ground, committing a blatant foul.

Gross retaliated by wagging a finger at Dawkins, who in response hit Gross with a left hook to the face. Dawkins immediately backed up, expecting a fight with Gross, only to be thwacked in the back of the head by none other than Maurice Lucas.

While both Dawkins and Lucas failed to land any more swings, many Blazer fans point to the incident as a momentum shifter in the series. As an underdog third seed playing the number one seeded 76ers, Portland needed team unity and mental toughness to achieve the ultimate goal.

Despite losing the game, Lucas’ actions made clear Portland would not back down from anything. As the story goes, Lucas approached Dawkins prior to Game 3, offering an extended hand, stunning Dawkins with the stoic gesture.

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It was force, as well as tranquility, that made Lucas such a powerful leader. The Blazers would go on to win four straight, earning their first and only championship in history.