Blazers, Sixers Pre-Thoughts


I wish I could say I drunkingly posted a preview of the Nets instead of the Sixers. I can’t. I haven’t felt like this since a hot girl caught we watching wrestling my freshman year of college.

But I’m deathly afraid of Philadelphia after what happened last year. I’m not talking about it. Google it. Do what you have to do. But that hurt me bad.

There is no question that Philadelphia has been one of the biggest disappointments of the NBA season. The Elton Brand move was supposed to move them into the elite, jump them into the top 4 and have them making noise in the post-season. Well, turns out Brand was like the kryptonite to why the Sixers worked last year, Mo Cheeks got canned, Brand is on the sidelines and the Sixers are having to fight to stay in the playoffs. Fight they have though, winners of their last 4 games in a row. In those 4 wins were victories over Houston and Atlanta, both pretty quality W’s at this point in the season. They seem to be figuring things out, but in this blogger’s eyes if the Blazers play their game they should win.

Philly is led by Andre Igoudala who has shaken off his disappointing start and shown a little bit of form. Andre Miller continues to just be an incredibly solid point guard. Athelticism is dripping with Thaddeus, Louis Williams, Speights and company. They have the talent and can defend pretty well but they cannot shoot. I think if 5 people commented on this post and we went to Philly we could beat the Sixers in a shooting competition. And I’m not exaggerating. 31% from behind the arc? Any team that has Willie Green as a big offensive threat can only scare me so much.

Keys to success:

  • Keep them off the glass. They are second in the league in offensive rebounds. They have a lot of athleticism. Dalembert, Young, Speights even Iggy and Andre Miller need to be kept off the glass. This is not a great offensive team so giving them easy buckets and second shots would just be dumb.
  • Make them shoot. Quick name one good shooter on the Philadelphia 76ers. It’s a trick question they have none. They shoot an abysmal 31% from the behind the arc. Pack it in, you want Miller, Young, Igoudala and Williams jacking up jumpers.
  • Execute offensively. This is a game where we have to take care of the ball and get good shots. Philadelphia’s defense is their offense. When they get stops it gives them a chance to get out and run and that’s where they get you in trouble. You let Philadelphia run you’re in for a long night. If you grind them out, you should be able to win.
  • Contain dribble penetration. Everyone on Philly’s team can take it to the rack. We have to keep guys in front and avoid overhelping because I don’t want to see Andre Miller penetrating and dumping to a slashing Iggy or Thaddeus who dunk.
  • Get one of the X-Factors going. Oden, Travis, Blake, Bayless I’m looking at you. Your progress will really help in the post-season when teams put 4 bullseyes on B-Roy and 2 on LMA.
  • Energy and effort. Not a great atmosphere in Philly as more people go to Villanova games than Sixer games. Take it to them from the start.