Thursday Night Thoughts


I refuse to over-do my assessment of the Knicks performance. It would be easy to call them the worst team to ever grace a basketball court after what happened tonight but I refuse to do that. I’m not Tony Schiavone. However that was absolutely pathetic and was an effort that should cost Isiah Thomas his job…but won’t. Let it be known, when the Knicks are bad…they are REALLY F’N BAD.

Their offense was absolutely horrific. If a perimeter player wasn’t going one-on-one, they threw it into the post and watched. I’m glad Zach Randolph had a meeting with Isiah and brought over the ‘throw it to me in the post and watch me shoot’ offense from Portland. I am now convinced by the way that he and his goons held Nate hostage and made him run that the last couple years. Back to the Knicks…unfortunately Eddy Curry must have overheard or something because they do it regardless of who they throw it into. And their defense…please. Boston could have had 40 in the 1st quarter if they had made layups and open shots. Ray Allen and co. were blowing by the Knicks with ease, I remember one play Rajon got to the bucket so easily he had to slow down to lay it in. The stops the Knicks got were no function of their defense, I mean for pete’s sake Rajon Rando had 10 early.

These Knicks deserved to get the 2nd worst beating in NBA history. Actually they should have gotten the worst. Give credit to Boston and their underrated defense. If you watched the game you’d notice that they are really doing a good job of playing team defense. Meaning a Knick would penetrate and kick but the Celtics would always make the rotation which meant no open jumpers and no lanes to the basket. This rendered any of their wings useless. They also shut down the Knicks “interior” game. I’d give half of the credit to Boston’s D and the other half to New York’s absolutle inability to play basic basketball.

Warriors are definitely reminding people just how damn good they are. Stephen Jackson makes all the difference in the world ladies and gents. Now off the bench they’ve got Barnes (depending on the matchup) Pietrus and Kelenna (no way I could type his last name). I like these guys…too bad they’ll be fighting with the Lakers and the Hornets over the final two spots in the playoffs.

Be back with more later..

UPDATE: Golden State thumped Houston by almost 20 to improve to 8-7. They also have messed up my Western Conference hierarchy. Is it not crazy to anyone else that Golden State is a bad matchup for Phoenix, Dallas and Houston?? As long as the Warriors don’t have to deal with Utah or San Antonio (almost next to impossible) watch the bleep out. They completely locked Yao and T-Mac down and just kept adding to the lead little by little. They are tough.

Back to that Western Conference hierarchy…this is when you know you’re watching a hell of an NBA season. San Antonio, Phoenix, Utah and Dallas are at the top half. The bottom half has Houston, Denver, New Orleans, Golden State and the Lakers. Think about it…one of those teams is not making the playoffs and they are all playing fairly well.

Lakers beat up on Denver 127-99….scoring 46 in the 4th quarter….Vujacic with 19 IN THAT QUARTER. Un. Real. They stay healthy, watch out for the Lakers. I don’t really have much else to say that 4th quarter run was pretty ridiculous.