Salt Lake


If the Jazz had not had that collapse during the season and had managed to get home court advantage they would probably win the title. They just do not lose home playoff games. That being said I don’t think it was as big a win for Utah as people are making it sound. San Antonio has homecourt advantage and if it comes down to a Game 7 in the AT&T Center, the Spurs will be headed to the ‘Ship. This isn’t like Houston who tightened up in the deciding game because they’ve never been there, or like Golden State who lose their composure easier then a rich white girl loses her virginity. These are the veteran San Antonio Spurs who aren’t going to freak out…ever. I mean during that Suns series they took and lost home court advantage and then took it right back. Also…Deron Williams was flat out amazing. His play is seriously reminding me of when Bibby looked like he was making the leap in 01-02. And yes is probably based more on their skin color than anything but still. Look at the stats; Williams played great, Boozer played great…but no one else really did much of anything. Mehmet Okur still cannot be found during this series. For Utah to really get back into this series they needed to get something from Okur. He is their third guy and I really think he (and Kirilenko to a lesser extent) are their X-Factors. That being said those two guys contributed next to nothing which could lead Utah to be ripe for a Game 4 loss. I mean, San Antonio is not turning the ball over 19 times again. That was a shocking statistic to see especially the 8 by Duncan. When Tim Duncan is turning the ball over like that you know that his team is just destined to lose. What also won’t continue to happen is that performance by Utah’s bench. Milsap, Harpring, Giricek and Jarron bleepin Collins all stepped up to the plate. It’s already been shown that those guys simply cannot be consistent. Plus Utah can’t win in San Antonio. Case closed.

  • Kobe vents his frustrations in an interview with the LA Times.
  • This guy has the nerve to say “The Jordan Rules have become the James Rules” I wonder if writers and the media actually use their brains. LeBron James has yet to get clotheslined. I don’t even want to YouTube it because it will make me throw up.
  • Tennis update; the French don’t like Serena Williams. Empty arena for her first round matchup. She dropped the first set but is destroying this poor little girl now in the third. When Serena is on her game she’s unstoppable.
  • HATER IN THE HOUSE: Peter May from Boston is hatin’ a little bit right here. ‘No blazing a playoff trail’ is the title of the article. That should tell you everything you need to know. In it, he questions our patience (forget we’ve had terrible teams for the last two years or watched great teams fall short time after time) but does state that if everyone develops we’ll be tough to deal with and Blazer fans should calm down. He was still hatin’ though.
  • Speaking of Blazer fans…I fear for the fairweather fans who don’t understand that we’re not about to automatically win the championship. Those are the fickle fans.
  • Good points here from Mitch Lawrence of the NY Daily News; there was no lottery conspiracy. Funny how last year when we got #4 I didn’t hear all of this bitching and moaning.
  • The Oden/Durant friendship grows.
  • What is with the whole Vick dogfighting thing? Seriously like…people are coming out of the gates to just shit on the guy. I don’t know what to think quite yet…
  • And whatever happened to Danica Patrick? Remember when she was a big deal and her races were all over the place and everything. That beezy needs to get a W. Same with Michelle Wie? How come the media just drops people like that?

Last but not least…congrats to the Sun Devil softball team for clinching a spot in the College World Series yesterday. Yes I know them, yes they are good and yes they are hot so that should save you a few e-mails.