April Showers


I just thought it was appropriate.

ESPN actually is showing the Lakers/Rockets game so good for them. It is in a double-header with the Magic/Pacers. Talk about your contrast in games…The Pacers have lost 16 of 18, jumping out of the playoffs while the Magic aren’t doing themselves any favors. The Pacers haven’t missed the playoffs since 1997. That’s pretty crazy, they’re like the East Coast Blazers (ba-dum-CHING). I agree T-Mac has been under the radar, so under the radar that when they put him on the cover of Live o7 I was like ‘what did he do last year?’ The Rockets are quietly about to make a little noise out West if T-Mac can stay healthy. Last time these two played I remember the Rockets beating the mess out of them in the first half. Battier was locking up Kobe, Mutombo was having flashbacks to 94, getting dunks, blocking shots and waving the finger to the crowd. So I decided to fall asleep (was on the East Coast).

Wrong. Lakers came back thanks to Kobe. It will be interesting to see how the Lakers bounce back after that embarassing loss to the Grizzlies. The Rockets are scrapping for every win they can get to try and get home court.

Coup may have a 14-team mixed league keeper draft…I myself am going to try out for the Real World. I shit you not. Top that brotha.

The Final Four. Wall-to-wall this has been one of the best tournaments I have had the pleasure of watching. The teams that were supposed to win…actually won. There were no goofy upsets where that team would get destroyed the next game, which raised the quality of the games up a notch. Almost every game came down to the wire early on, I even did a running diary for the first four days that’s how great they were. Now the media is getting hyped for the Final Four and I for one do not like it. I kind of feel like this year’s Final Four is going to be disappointing. Am I wrong to feel that way? Final Fours are usually disappointing. I think that Georgetown is going to get blown out first and foremost. Let’s take Hibbert and Oden out of the equation. I like Ohio State’s guards more than I like Georgetown’s. Wallace hit the big shot and Sapp has some game, but overall Ohio St. has more guys that can take over in the long run. During the GT/UNC game I kept saying ”Who is going to score for GT? Where are there guards?” They aren’t always going to be able to get it to Green and Hibbert. If UNC wasn’t so retarded they would have won.

UCLA is beating Florida. You think Arron Afflalo hasn’t been waiting for this? This game is the reason he came back. Everyone talks about how Florida has everyone back…umm…so does UCLA. They lost Farmar (Collison is just as good) and Bozeman, but they gain Shipp who is better than Bozeman anyways. UCLA is physical inside with Mata and Mbah a Moute. I just think Florida is a tad overrated right now that’s all. No way they beat the Bruins again. Over Afflalo’s dead body.

MVP Talk

-Steve Nash cannot and will not win his third straight MVP award, despite the fact that he is actually playing the best this year. Instead it will go to Dirk. His team is 60-11. He is averaging 24 and 9. I don’t see how he is not the Most Valuable Player of the Year. He is the best player on the best team in the NBA. Case closed this year I’m afraid.

-While I’m on the subject; for some reason this Dallas team kind of reminds me of the Seattle team from 94 that got beat by Denver. They were world-beaters during the season but never had to face adversity and got tight. I am telling you it is not going to be an easy road to the finals for Dallas. Phoenix either for that matter. It’s sad Phoenix and San Antonio will be squaring off in the Semis. Did re-seeding really help any in the West? It’s still a three-team race and two of them have to face off before the WCF.