Hump Day


In my eyes, the Kobe/MJ comparisons officially were put into a coma last night. A vegetative state if you will. Three very distinct reasons for this

  1. 23 points…on 26 shots. All while being guarded by a rookie (Tarence Kinsey) who ended up out-playing him. I don’t think MJ would let a rookie guard him, let alone semi-lock him up and end up with 24 and 7.
  2. Down by 2, the ball is going to Kobe right? No, Smush Parker takes a three from the corner. At home. Against the Grizzlies. I am going to give Phil the benefit of the doubt that he did not call Smush’s number in that situation. How does Kobe not demand the ball or put the fear of God in Smush that he needs to get him the ball?
  3. Kobe got a potential game-tying shot blocked by Pau Gasol. MJ has missed…I don’t know if he’s gotten his stuff swatted like that.

How is this not big news? Michael Phelps set two world records in two days. He’s a swimmer. Swimming is one of those sports that I kind of miss during that 4-year gap in between the Olympics. I miss the Olympics. Summer that is…Winter has figure skating. That’s. About. It.

LeBron is hosting the ESPY’s. I personnally feel that either Jamie Foxx or Samuel L Jackson should be hosting. Overall the ESPY’s just lack in importance to me. Most of the people nominated have already earned accolades in their respective sports. We” see if the Global Icon can handle it. They should’ve asked Gilbert….now that would’ve been a show.

Here’s a blog article on how the Hawks aren’t quite “registering” with people. Ummm…last time I checked the Hawks suck and Atlanta has been known for having fairweather fans. They haven’t been to the playoffs since 1999 and they lack a true superstar.

All expansion teams end up having a turnaround where they go from ‘absolutely horrendous’ to the playoffs. Hell the Magic even made the Finals. (Underrated fact about that; MJ sucked that series. He was getting blocked, dribbling off his foot, turning the ball over. It was sad. I cried.) The Raptors and the Grizzlies also made the leap. It happens for everyone…but can’t be the only one who is having a tough time imagining the Bobcats ever being in the playoffs.

I feel bad for Jermaine O’Neal who is shaving time off of his career, desperately battling for that 8 spot in the East, fighting for the right to get demolished by Detroit. I sometimes imagine that he is going to lose it after seing Jamaal Tinsley put up his 27th shot of the game and just walk out.

D-Wade is feeling pretty good. That’s the kind of news I like to hear. I know that the Heat have played well without him, certainly good enough for someone to get to thinking ‘Hey maybe we don’t need D-Wade’ for a few seconds. Having Antoine Walker jack up shots against the Hawks is completely different than him jacking up shots in the playoffs. And yes I’ve forgiven him for the Converse commercial…how did that business meeting go. “Alright Dwyane, here is how it’s going to go. We’re thinking the old Nike Freestyle commercials, mixed with the old AI and Jadakiss ones….and kids. Definitely kids.” I don’t know what’s more damaging to Rick Ross’s career; his decision to wear a wife-beater in the ‘Push It’ music video or screaming ‘We All In’ over and over again. Hey, I can’t really hate he is getting that paper.

You know what the problem with the Nets is…they only have three players and their Coach acts like they have more. You’re actually giving Mikki Moore the ball. If I coached them I would just have them take turns trying to score.

On a completely different front, MTV has stepped its game up. The Real World has returned after the disasterous Key West season. The Hills continues to prove why it is my favorite TV show right now (yeah I said it, back up off me). Not only will Three 6 Mafia be getting their own show but the Inferno is returning…and Alton is back. For those of you who don’t know…Alton is the MJ of the Real World/Road Rules Challenges. Put all of that aside for a second because I think this new show may have taken the cake. It’s called the X Effect…and it may be the most evil show ever. And I love it. It’s complex to explain and I am sure I will next time…but if you get the chance to catch it, sit down and watch it. It’s worth it.

Nap time, I’ll be back with more later.